Answered By: Liz Svoboda
Last Updated: Dec 21, 2023     Views: 97

You can request a renewal or extension through the ILLiad system, where you submitted the original request. It will depend on the library that is lending the book to you, not the University of Michigan-Flint library. 

When you are in ILLiad, click on "Checked Out Items" on the left-hand menu. Then click on the blue transaction number next to the book you want to renew. The next page should show two tables of information about your loan. Toward the bottom of the first table, it will tell you if renewals are allowed on that particular book. If they are allowed there should be a "Renew Request" link at the top of the table in red. Click on that link to submit the renewal request.

After you submit the request, you should receive an email that the request was granted and a new due date for the book. It should also show up in the ILLiad system.


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