Through one of several methods:
1) Use QuickSearch. This discovery tool searches the contents of hundreds of online databases, as well as the Library Catalog. QuickSearch is a great resource to jump-start your research, especially if you are new to a discipline or topic. Articles you can access online are noted with an icon, and articles not available online or in print at the Thompson Library are available via interlibrary loan.
2) Search one or more databases on a subject guide.
3) Use the Subject and Database Type filters on the A-Z list. [example]
4) Use BrowZine to browse some academic journals in your field. This can be a good way to generate ideas for term paper topics and begin exploring the literature of a discipline. However, for research, it is strongly recommended that you also use QuickSearch or subject databases. Although browsing may be the easiest research method in the short run, the quality of your work will suffer from such a haphazard approach. The time you invest in learning how to search indexes will more than pay for itself in better research and better grades.
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